Edshult links:
Here are links some links to pages concerning Edshult on the internet:
Edshults Samhällsförening
Edshults Samhällsförenings photo archive New!
Eksjö museum (with searchable photo database)
Historical links
The Edshult madonna (Piece of the month at Historiska museet)
The Edshult madonna (again)
Magnus Stibéus has written a book: Edshult - en medeltida sätesgård (Edshult the medeival mansion)
On the Wikipedia
Edshult church (in swedish)
Edshult parish (in swedish)
Lake Solgen (in swedish)
Lake Mycklaflon (in swedish)
Present day activities.
The anglers club in Eksjö has its seat in Åsa at lake Solgen
Mycklaflons Camping (their own)
Edhult in genealogical pages:
Discussions about Edshult on Rötter (genealogy)
The nobility family Key on Edshult (w. scottish roots)
Karl Johan Key on Edshult
Ulf Björkdals pages on Kianäs
Per Frödholm's with ancestors in Bredagård (Zachrisson)
Karl-Henrik Rydén |
Last updated 2021-03-31