This is a map of the hunderd of 'Södra Vedbo'. At the moment we are trying to create a new site about this hundred (sw:härad).
That is why I wanted to make some of the work available here a little bit earlier as the work is getting along.
If you use the zoom function you will be able to see the position of farms and when you zoom in enouth you will also see
crofts and where there are remains of houses that once were standing on the different farms.

The Swedish National Heritage board has a map where many old crofts and ancient remains are shown. If you follow this link you will find many places where building were situated in the old times, for those places we have not yet transfered here.
This list shows which parishes are finished:
- Edshult
- Hult

/Karl-Henrik Rydén To Start Page Page last updated 2012-10-14